December 12, 2008


One day about a week ago, I came home to a broken plant bowl and a plant with hardly any leaves (this plant has had its issues anyways...). I came in, expecting to hear that the boys were running circles around in the house, and knocked it over.

Which would totally NOT surprise me.

But, when I asked my husband what had happened, he just handed me the digital camera, with a picture on it. It was THIS picture:


My hubby said Koen knocked into it, and didn't even flinch... scary... Plus, I think Koen is a secret society member of the One-Sock Gang. If you notice in the picture, it's not really on very well, and I have been catching him ripping a sock off. Or I will find him in bed with one ripped off. Hmmmm...

My (almost)9 month old baby has already joined a gang. The same gang that all of my other boys have been in since about 6-8 months of age. I think I'm in trouble if this is the kind of stuff the One Sock Gang does.

I only have so many plants...


Anonymous said...

At least he keeps one sock on... my girls are in the "barefoot even in the dead of winter gang." :-)

Megan said...

Yea Shad is into the NO CLOTHES gang. Stop poor Koen don't enter!!

He looks like he's so innocent in the pic! how cute!

Anonymous said...

Hello How cute Koen is in that picture. I think he is thinking "I'm Sorry Mom!" Too Cute!!!

Bill Sines said...

It was Deven. He texted me earlier that day and said he was going to blame it on Koen.

Anonymous said...

Well how cute but it couldn't of been my son he does not have time to tex oh my how awful if he had to do that!!teehee

SmilingsMyFavorite said...

The one sock gang!! I busted up laughing at this! Perhaps he's going to be a physicist. He's checking the effects of gravity on objects. Is that what physicists do? Because I don't know.