June 4, 2009

30 Days on the (mini) Farm- Day 26

It was a perfect day today. The temps didn't get above 70 degrees, and the sun was shining all day. I got some more mowing done (but not all done...), I did some weeding and some more weeding... and I still got more weeding! If it weren't for weeding I would have a ginormous garden...

Today, I have some pictures of more plants around the farm. I guess I took at pic of those because I got on my aunt's blog today, and she had posted about her rose bush, which is a start from my great-grandma's rose bush (my parents now live in her old house). My aunt lives in Pennsylvania, and the rose bush is very happy there. Check it out. That is the grown up big sister, and this is the younger sister:

I am so blessed to have it though. My dad actually started the "start" 2 years before I took it (last summer). And I am blessed to have an heirloom like that.
Here is the start of an herb bed... it's kind of sad looking. I have a gazillion chives, which I am soon going to transplant some to under my apple tree (supposed to keep the bugs away????). I also have parsley, and lavender (bottom left).

I used to have thyme, but it must have died off last winter. Do any of you know any good resources on the web, for taking care of herbs? And also drying them? I had actually took some chives before they bloomed and started drying them on my counter... not sure if that was how it's done, but it is starting to look like dead grass... hhhhhh...... I'll figure it out someday...
So, how was YOUR day today? Hope all is well... we will see you back here tomorrow!


Bláithín said...

I do love Grandma's rose! It smells wonderful, and never seems to have any problems other than Japanese beetles trying to gobble it up, but hopefully the chickens will gobble them up instead :-)

maryleigh said...

I love fireflies and the sounds my boys make chasing them! I love your title 8 muddy boots! I'll be back for next Thursdays!