We have animals, and I remember the last 2 winters of having animals, what a PAIN in the caboose it is to have a water bucket or bowl FREEZE... I mean, there is no more important time that an animal needs water then in the winter!
So how can I make this winter different, we have even MORE animals now! Well, I found THIS post on how to make your own heated waterer! I know there are LOTS of heated waterers out on the market, BUT they can cost you $40 or more for a decent one. And it you have 3 or more water dishes that need them, well, it's gonna cost you!
But, THIS waterer costs only a few dollars to make! We WILL be making this heated waterer in the NEAR future! One for Boy sheep, one for girl sheep, one for Girl dog & the cats, one for Josh (My hubby's Brittany Spaniel), one for our laying chickens, and one for our Banty chickens.... 6 heated waterers at $40 each would be $240. OR 6 homemade ones at $6 each (or less!).... That's right... Now we're thinkin'!
That looks like it should work! Winter can be so harsh, but this would make taking care of our pets a little easier.
This is a great idea!
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