January 12, 2010

What's Happening...

What's happening on the Farm? Well, today I see sunshine so far!!! Even though it is a chilly 13 degrees as I type this. The animals were all very eager to get out into the sun. I don't blame them!

As I mentioned, it IS still below freezing, so in the barn, by the water spicket, there is ice! Here is Sugar and the Milles getting a drink of water, as soon as I came in and got them fresh water (as opposed to the ice that was in it when I came down!).

Here are our Mille Fleur babies, who, yes, are still in our basement. I keep their bedding clean, so they don't stink at all! If they did, they would definitely be under a heat lamp in the barn! But aren't they cute!

In the house... I have a little man, who has been falling asleep at 9 am for his nap! And only sleeping about an hour or less... This messes up our day! Potty training is coming up soon for this little man also. He is almost 22 months, and my other 3 boys were trained at right at 2 years. I pray this one isn't any different!

In the Kitchen... Our chickens have been laying more eggs. For the past few weeks, they have really been down on their "production". My son, Caden, the "egg man" sells eggs to people at our church, and then he tithes some of that money and the rest goes to food for them. People have been wondering where the "Egg Man's" eggs have been! Maybe now they are going to increase eggs a bit, I hope!

My parents went to Florida 2 weeks ago, and brought us back some Florida oranges and grapefruit! Yum! I love having that vitamin c around, especially for the boys during the winter months.

In the Laundry room... Oh you don't EVEN want to go there!

Hope you all are having a great day! Hope the sun is shining where you are too!

1 comment:

Bláithín said...

Excellent that you're teaching Caden to tithe...can never start too young! And I WANT YOUR MILLE FLEUR BABIES!!! :-) They're so cute...and I'm still waiting to find some locally, sigh.