March 19, 2010

A Morning Out in the Barn...

I told you a week (or two?) ago, I was going to TRY to get a video (for the first time!) on the blog.

So, I think I did it!!! The other morning, I went out, and took the camera with me. I have gotten most of our animals on camera, and all of the stupid little ways I talk to them... :P I also was "attacked" a few times, and will be showing this for your entertainment.

Because it ain't easy doin' chores with one hand! Just be glad I didn't show you later on that day when I cleaned out the coop and the goat & sheep pens... You know, shovelin' POOP...

This is about a 13 minute video.

Well, like I said in the video, I still had to water all of the animals and feed and water the broiler chickens. Then, I took a walk, and got kicked in the jaw by a goat. So that was cool...

It really is fun on our farm! I'm thinking it's gonna get even more fun when babies start arriving! :) Maybe next time, I will show you some babies being born or somethin'! :)

1 comment:

Genesa said...

Love it Sarah! I really enjoyed watching it!