August 17, 2010

Sore Backs and Happy Kids

One tired canoer

Yesterday we decided to go on our first (all 6 of us!) canoeing trip. We have canoed as a couple, and as 4 family members. Hubby even took 3 boys for the past 2 years. But this year we decided to go all out. All 4 boys, even the 2 year old, who can't sit still...

Daddy and 4 boys

This story doesn't end in an upset canoe, believe it or not! It ends with 4 happy little boys and 2 parents with sore backs... but it was worth it!

Lunch time! Mama and 4 boys

We are having a great time on our little camping trip! The weather has been wonderful and the camping here is always a great experience! I will be posting more on our trip tomorrow (including where we are staying, if you ever drop by the northeastern Indiana area)! Until then, have a beautiful day!


The Gaertegang Homestead said...

What a great day you picked to canoe! I love making memories like that...have fun!

Megan said...

Looks like FUN!!! Glad it was a great day!!