December 15, 2008

10 Days!!!

I LOVE Christmas.

I love the lights, the songs, the excitement... I love that over 2000 years ago, a baby was born. Given to us. So that we could be with God forever! It is not relevant whether or not it was the exact date of Christ's birth or not. What is relevant is whether we accept that gift or not.

Are we too busy to remember God's gift to us?

Slow down this season! I mean seriously. We have no extra money, and I am making things for my boys for Christmas! My husband's family challenge this year was to buy as much as you could for $5 for the adults and $10 for the kids. I have non-stressfully achieved this goal. It is non-stressful because I know it isn't about the gifts. It's the FEELING. Love. Family. Thankfulness. Grace.

Here are a few things that you need to make sure you do, in the 10 days to come to keep yourself sain, and joyful!
  • Give yourself a hand and/or foot massage. Grab some nice smelling lotion, rub it in! Make sure to get into the fingers and toes! This is especially relaxing right before bed...
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of water!!! I know this time or year I want to O.D. on coffee or hot cocoa, but I need to make sure I get enough water in my system!
  • Get plenty of rest. For my husband, plenty of rest means 6-7 hours (sometimes less). For me, I need 8-10. Emphasis on the 10. So, get your rest. All that needs to be done will wait!
  • Make a list. Check it twice! Make a list of all of the things you need/want to accomplish. Divide that into days. Make them realistic!!! Also prioritize. Which things need done first? Which things can be dropped if we just don't have time? Be willing to drop some things! Remember, this isn't a time for stressing!
  • Stick to a schedule! I'm a schedule person anyways. I don't get things done if there isn't a schedule! Have it all clearly written so there is nothing to forget!
  • Read. More specifically, read your Bible. I would suggest reading in Matthew or Luke! Spending time DAILY in God's Word helps remind us of why we are doing what we are doing!!!
  • Pray. Obviously prayer is very important. But, we need the Lord's help and His provision, and it doesn't hurt to keep in communication with the One who controls all of that! Prayer and reading your Bible will help to quiet you heart, and your mind.

Boy, temps are dropping as I type.

I hope preparing for Christmas is a joy for all of you! How are your plans going? What are you doing?

Col 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what he has kept for his people. For Christ is the real Master you serve. "


Jessica said...

I havent even begun to shop! We are heading home in 5 days! Excited to see everyone, but we are leaving 68 degree weather:( I'm excited to see how everything is going at Lake!

SmilingsMyFavorite said...

You are quite the list girl. Love it. We are doing something similar with our family and we are spending $5 only on the adults. So I pooled all the $ and am making baskets of goodies for each person. Then I will eat all their goodies. just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! Thanks for the great reminders. I too LOVE this time of year. I absolutely love celebrating our Lord's birth... I get goose bumps every time I stop to really listen to the story and consider what a miracle it is... and He came for me!!

Megan said...

Great post. I need to do the list thing to make sure I get some things done...I haven't even started baking cookies and goodies yet. Hopefully end of this week!!