Last night, was like most nights. Boys retreated to playing in their rooms before they have to get to bed for the evening. Then, it happened. A BIG thump, from upstairs. Then a very loud screaming cry...
Caden comes down the steps crying as Deklyn is trying to tell us that he had nothing to do with it... hmmm...
Caden, allegedly, was playing and then fell and hit is face on his bed (made of huge, solid wood). This is what we saw this morning....

There is also a bruise line across his forehead... But, he says he feels better! A day in the life of little boys (with brothers...).
oh man that hurts just looking at it! amazing how reilient God made little boys though. they are tough little boogers.
Ouch!! boys will be boys no matter what we do!!
Augh! I can't handle boys! Dawson is now getting a bed made of marshmallow. lol. Poor little guy, I hope he's okay. He looks rather proud of his "accomplishment". :)
Yowsa!! So cute even with "war wounds" :) Gotta love his little smile...
I just e-mailed your sister about a deal at Walgreens...they have Garnier Fructis (shampoos, & styling products) 2/$7 and in their monthly flyer there is a $2 coupon for each and a couple weeks back there were $1 MQ in the paper which makes them 2/$1 !! What a bargain!! God Blesss, Jennifer
Ouch! What a trooper! We've had our share of bumps and bruises here too!
Awww! Poor guy!!! I know that must have hurt! Hope he is feeling better!!! :)
P.S. I LOOOOOVE my pillow!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I truly apologize for not getting in touch sooner! We have had sick kids and LOTS of other stuff going on (we lost siding in a windstorm and have had contractors coming every day)! The fun never ends, huh?! lol!!! Have a good week!
Love, Cissa
ahh, the joys of boys, my 8 yo came in from outside yesterday with two bloody lips from a snow ball fight! It never ends.
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