Because of necessity, I am bring out this practical tip this morning!
I woke to my husband telling me he had to leave for work but I needed to finish getting the boy's oatmeal ready, because it exploded in the microwave...
I know many of you will get hung up on the fact that my husband was up before me and getting breakfast for my boys... which I KNOW is awesome. But then the problem... sometimes there is a mess, like this morning.
So, today was the perfect day to pull out a practical tip that I have used for a while now. In a 2-3 cup microwave-safe glass measuring cup or bowl, put about 1/2 cup water and add about 2 Tablespoons lemon juice. Don't worry about stirring and don't get hung up on exact measurements. Then put this in the microwave for 2 minutes or so, until the water starts to boil and puts off some steam. When you open up your microwave, wipe down with a clean washcloth. To my amazement the first time I used it, everything (I mean everything, even from the chili 3 weeks ago) can be wiped out with ease! No chemicals! No muscle needed!
To read more practical tips, go here! Join in if you can share!
Great tip! I just use water but the lemon would be nice, I will try that!!
thanks for linking!
Awesome! I will be doing this later today!
Great reminder!!
Wow! Did you make that up on your own? Are you a Chemist by night?
Great tip! I will be trying that today!
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