March 18, 2009

One year ago...

One year ago today, I was dreaming of the day my number 4 little man would be born. I knew I was going to be induced but was hoping for the natural instead of the ultra-painful. For any of you who have NOT seen me pregnant in those last days, here I am the night before I delivered:

There's the money shot right there....

I was making preparations but praying hard for the days to come. Praying everything would go smoothly, that my baby would be healthy, and that I would do well through it all! Especially knowing this was going to be the last child that I give birth to. BUT, I am blessed beyond words with my boys. I cannot even describe how much of a blessing the boys have already been to me. I was so excited to meet little man #4...

More pics to come!

1 comment:

Mom of three little Princesses said...

Is that really you! gee I forget how big Koen really was!!! Notice I didn't say you I said Koen:)!!!! How can it possibly be one year already. It always goes way to fast that first year.