June 8, 2009

30 Days on the (mini) Farm- Day 27

Has it really been like 3 days that I have skipped here??? I'm sorry!
Well, we have been keeping busy! Today was the boy's first (real) day of Summer Break. And I have to say, they were rather enjoyable... I didn't really have to threaten anyone's life or anything... ;)
Today it rained in the morning, and rained in the evening. The sky was so beautiful after the rain tonight. I couldn't get a pic of the REALLY pretty sky (I was in a meeting) but I did get one before it go too dark.

Tonight the sky reminded me of what life can be like after the rain falls in our lives. God reminds us that rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous. And I betcha the righteous are the only ones that notice how pretty the sky is after it rains. You know what I'm sayin'?

I hope all is well, with all of you! See you soon!

1 comment:

Melissa Deline said...


Do you have something Sweet to Say about a loved one/friend/fellow blogger? I have sent out my "Say Something Sweet" Award to 8 fellow Bloggers! I have also said something Sweet about each one!

Please come on by to pick up your award just below my "Grab My Button". Send the award to 8 fellow bloggers with a few Sweet Words & Blog about it!

** You have beautiful Children! God Bless!